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The following services are provided in our center:
Drop-in hours availability for all advisors, retention specialists, and graduation specialist in the Student Success Center. Students who are interested in changing majors can attend during drop-in hours.
Monday-Thursday 2:30pm-3:30pm (In-person)
Fridays 2:30pm-3:30pm (Zoom- find Zoom links below)
You may schedule an appointment with your designated Academic Advisor using the personalized TSC Appointment link in the table below or through the Toro Success Collaborative (TSC) icon via your portal. A tutorial on How to use the TSC can be found on our Tutorials and Workshops page: Scheduling an Advising Appointment through TSC.
Mark Kerr | Appointment Link Zoom Link |
Paul Matt Lasmarias | Temporarily Supporting: Child Development
Cristina Prado Retention Specialist | Temporarily Supporting: Child Development
Human Services MHR |
Debbie Yoklavich | Appointment Link |
April Thomas | Kinesiology
Child Development
Angel Valdez | Clinical Lab Science
Jennifer'Lyn Johnson | Health Science
Human Services General |
For students who may have trouble setting up an advising appointment, you may reach out to our front desk for support at, via phone at 310-243-2120, or come to our office in WH 220.
An email notification with details of your appointment meeting will be sent to your Toromail. Appointments are currently available via Zoom or In-Person.
Zoom is web conferencing software available to CSUDH faculty, staff, and students. Visit the CSUDH Academic Technology web page for information on downloading, setting up, and using Zoom.
DISCLOSURE: The California State University; the California Administrative Code, Title 5; and CSUDH establishes specific academic requirements that must be met before a degree is granted. The degree will not be awarded if graduation requirements are not met. Advisors are available to help the student understand and plan to meet these requirements. This plan was created collaboratively between the advisor and the student. Each student must be responsible for completing requirements and remain informed about academic and graduation policies.
Students can access their academic and graduation requirements in the University Catalog online.
Students can access important dates and deadlines in the Academic Calendar. These dates and deadlines concern deadlines to register for classes, add or drop courses, student fees and refunds, and other matters.